Through out history major and minor disasters befall communities. Those that are presented to us by nature are not preventable and those that are man made will happen. The key is how we are prepared to deal with them after the event. We have various emergency services available in our communities but these take a while to be implemented. The first line of preparation is you, taking responsibility for your personal needs and those who depend upon you.

This web site will help you and the rest of the community prepare for most eventualities.

Part of the content of this site was developed by a group of people on Bainbridge Island known as the Resilient Community that came together to help this community deal with earthquake scenarios and the Y2K event in 1998. They were a very good demonstration of community involvement and allowed the Community Network to demonstrate the value of a community internet site in preparing a community for an emergency event.

Y2K is no longer an issue but other potential emergencies are. This site will bring the needed assets of our community to the forfront and help us prepare for the future.

Be seeing you - Dave

Enter the Well Prepared Island